The Despicable Demon

The clouds closed together. The dark night came and the bright day passed. Silence fell. Trudging forward, slipping back into the drifts, it felt like time was paused, everything was still. The horizon was deserted I knew I was alone; I knew it, I tasted it, no other humans nearby, only nature. Carried on the wild, whistling wind I could hear the howling of wolves coming louder and louder, closer and closer, scarier and scarier.

Slowly the sun rose. The immense silence broke. I stared back at the mile long tracks…Frozen stiff from the bitter arctic cold, the blanket of snow freezing the earth slowly started to melt. Winter had been as long and as cold as the neglected, snow covered field.
Now I could see the dazzling blue sky; the blackness of shadows and glaring moon were finally gone. As far as the eye could see, pleated hills and crouching skeletal trees dominated the skyline, a sea of white extended in all directions. There was no break, no relief.

As dawn broke icicles glistened as if scattered with diamonds and sapphires. Glittery white snowflakes gently floated, harmoniously dancing pirouettes through the snow laden trees. Was it safe? Was it now time to make a move?

The darkness scattered and fell upon me as the moon mysteriously glared at me. I could feel someone, or something, breathe fiercely on my neck. My heart began to pound in my chest and my hands began to tremble. I thought I saw a dark shadow dash past me wearing a velvet cloak…. Was I mistaken? I felt the urge to begin to run, and that’s exactly what I did. I ran faster than the wind – taking no glances back at the unknown creature that I had felt. The wind wasn’t blowing; however the trees were swaying back and forth. What could it be?

The dark spruce trees leant over and stared at me with tensed leaves as I started to run. Through the snow I went with all my might, the wind howling like a wolf. I had to find shelter fast.

The snow was freezing and my lips were frosted shut. As I ran I stumbled on something shimmering in the snow. I pulled on it and dusted the snow off it and it turned out that it was a knight’s shield, well hidden in the soft snow. Within the trees and bushes I could sense that bold beady eyes were glaring at me. I could feel the shadow I had seen before seep towards me and I began to tense up! I was filled with fear.

“Hello,” whispered a dark voice. The fear gripped me tighter.

“Where are you?” I replied, not daring to raise my head.

“Right behind you,” said the voice. Slowly, cautiously I turned around. There, standing right behind me was a creature. Set within his devilish head were green, gleaming eyes and a sinister scar that linked his left chewed ear and his mouth.

I picked up the shield and held it close to me. My heart was racing. I ran as fast as I could, but stumbled and tripped. Looking down I saw a sword poking out of the snow, the markings on the sword matched that of the shield. Maybe, just maybe the sword and the shield belonged together.

As I reached down to pick up the sword, there was a threatening growl and the creature leapt towards me. Desperately, I held the sword and shield in front of my face. A deep hum filled the icy air and the beast, hearing it, let out an ear splitting roar and pounced. I swung the sword. All of a sudden, a fierce light pierced through the clouds above which reflected off the sword and blinded the creature. A protective, transparent bubble appeared around me; I could no longer feel the freezing cold wind against my frosted face. I rubbed my eyes. Was I dreaming?

I started floating into the air- higher and higher. Apprehensively I glanced below; the grotesque monster lay on the ground crying in agony. I was free.

Suddenly I heard a tremendous roar and the bubble shuddered. A blinding green light reflected off its transparent film. Struggling to decipher what was happening below I willed the bubble to continue its journey upwards. Horrified I realised the light was coming from the creature’s eyes – he was alive!

As I stared down at the blanket of snow below the beast rose to his clawed feet and dashed towards the tree. Clambering upwards his razor sharp claws gripped the white arms of the trembling tree. Up and up he climbed, closer and closer.

My nightmare reached out and caught the edge of the bubble with his pointed talons. I fell to the icy ground. My heart was pounding. The ground began to shake and the sky turned pitch black. In the distance I could make out mysterious outlines. Creatures came sprinting towards me. I was now surrounded. I reached for my sword- it was gone…I reached for my shield- it was gone.

Desperately, I searched for something to defend myself with. In this forsaken landscape, there was nothing. Nothing at all. Hunched over me was the despicable beast with the mysterious figures visible in the distance. I would have to act fast, as the army of creatures was quickly approaching. I rolled sideways and hauled myself up with all my remaining strength. Time to run! Struggling forwards, every step I took my feet sunk deep in to the vast sea of snow. Behind me the ravenous beast and its followers let out a hungry cry in unison! The piercing sound of jeopardy echoed.

Determination pulsed through me, as I clambered forwards. Taking a glance back, glowing with rage were the beast’s green eyes fixed upon me. Razor sharp teeth were bared in its drooling mouth. It surged forwards. All of a sudden, with its spiked talons it swiped at my ankle. Screaming in agony, I fell to the ground. Pain flowed up my leg and blood gushed, turning the once bright white snow to red.

I let out a yelp of agony. Stooped over me was the creature and the other brutes were now within metres. Accepting my inevitable fate, I closed my eyes. My last sight was of the troop of monsters advancing forwards. I squeezed my eyes tight. I clenched my fists. My body was tensed. As I braced myself for the next blow, I heard roars and yelps and then a thunderous thump, which shook the ground. I had resigned myself to the horror of death but seconds had passed and still no further attack. I peeked out of the corner of one eye. Lying dead on the ground was the despicable demon. How could this be?

Feeling weak and exhausted, my eyes fell shut. In my daze I could just make out the sound of deep, gruff voices speaking in an incomprehensible language. I felt myself gently lifted from the ground and placed on a soft, padded surface. With all the energy I could muster I squinted out of one eye to see that these monsters were preparing to pull me on a sled. I was still alive but was I safe?

by Year 5 pupils from Stanley, Trafalgar Junior, Heathfield Junior, Darell, and Buckingham primary schools