Up in the Air

Crowds gathered in the busy school field. It was a bright, sunny day and the fluffy, white clouds looked like cotton wool against the pastel blue sky. Excited chatter filled the air! Something COLOSSAL was about to happen …

The Great Balloon Race was about to begin. All the schools in Teddington had been asked to enter the race to raise money for the children in Syria. Nervously, two children were waiting next to a beautiful, rainbow coloured hot air balloon. They had both been chosen to represent Sacred Unicorn Primary School.

Ricky and Rosie were in Year Two. Ricky was a sensible, intelligent boy with hair as yellow as the sun and kind, sapphire blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. There was something extraordinary about Ricky… he could do MAGIC! Rosie (on the other hand) was a sneaky, crafty character. She loved to make mischief wherever she went! She had flame red hair, a cheeky glint in her turquoise eyes and a scattering of freckles on her nose. Perched on her shoulder was a little, tabby kitten called Ginger. Ginger (who was hiding timidly behind Rosie’s hair) was Rosie’s loyal companion and went everywhere with her. “It’s alright Ginger, we’ll be safe. I promise!” whispered Rosie reassuringly. The truth was Rosie didn’t know that for sure. Nobody did…

Suddenly, the first whistle blew. That was the signal for them to step into their balloons. Rosie’s tummy rumbled and her breathing began to get quicker. Ricky held on to Rosie’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t be scared Rosie, look how beautiful the twinkling blue sky is,” whispered Ricky with a cheeky grin on his face…

The second whistle blew and the race began! A cheerful, loud noise filled the sky as the crowds beneath them roared for their school to win the race. They couldn’t waste another second and Ricky was so excited he started singing “Up, up and away we go”. The balloon jerked and started to rise slowly up into the air.

Rosie froze in fear and couldn’t keep hold of Ginger. She wasn’t helping Ricky to steer the balloon either and it was moving faster and higher up in the air. “Rosie, help me, I can’t manage it on my own,” ordered Ricky. Rosie couldn’t find the words to speak. She started shivering and shaking her head. Ginger started to purr as they passed some fluffy, candyfloss like clouds. Beneath them, everything seemed so out of reach.

Rosie began to feel a little calmer but just as she turned to pick Ginger up, she screamed because there was Ginger on the edge of the basket. “Ginger!” Rosie screeched but it was too late…Ginger had leapt out of the balloon. “Oh no,” wailed Rosie as tears dripped down her pale cheeks. “What are we going to do?” Ricky turned and looked at Rosie. “Don’t worry Rosie, I think I can help…”

As quick as a flash, he magicked up a basket, a rope and mini-air balloon. He attached the balloon to the basket, and cast another spell. Incredibly, it began to drop down to Ginger.

Below, the crowd looked up in amazement, thinking, “How on earth are they going to rescue Ginger?” A child and a teacher fainted because of the dangerous and terrible sight. The balloon race was turning into a nightmare.

Ricky screamed as loud as he could, “Get into the basket.” Ginger felt sick and scared, but managed to stab his claws into the basket and pulled himself in to it. Ginger was safe. Slowly the cat began to rise up and return to safety. The amazed crowds below began to cheer and clap.

But suddenly there was a loud bang and a clap of thunder. An incredibly rough storm descended from the sky and the balloon started to wobble. The rope slipped in Ricky’s hands and Ginger fell in to a very deep hole in the ground. Rosie and Ricky looked on in horror as their beloved cat disappeared. What could they do next to save him?

Ricky thought very quickly. He had to do something, however Rosie’s desperate sobs were not helping. Suddenly he remembered the broomstick spell from his secret spell book. “Abracadabra, turn this balloon into a broom. Alcazaam!” whispered Ricky secretly.

In a flash Ricky and Rosie were sitting on a very speedy broomstick. “What a good idea!” shouted Rosie followed by, “Don’t worry Ginger, we are coming!”

Ricky, who was an expert at broom driving, zoomed through the air and did a somersault in the air to the cheers of the crowd below. “Stop showing off Ricky, we have to rescue Ginger,” urged Rosie and as quick a flash Ricky pointed the broom in the direction of the hole.

As soon as they entered the dark spooky caves the sunlight disappeared. Ricky slowed the broom to get his bearing but unfortunately disturbed a bats’ nest, to Rosie’s horror. “We need a light Ricky. I don’t want that happening again,” exclaimed Rosie and straight away Ricky muttered some strange words and a lantern appeared on the front of the broom.

The cave was gigantic, they did not know where to start the search. The silence of the eerie caves was suddenly disturbed by a loud bang. Rickie looked around for a second. However this meant he could not see the huge boulder in front him. Boom! The broom crashed and fell. The next thing Rosie remembered was waking up with her head on something soft. Suddenly the soft patch wiggled and meowed. “Ginger” Rosie shouted with delight.

“I’ve the broom and it still works” exclaimed Ricky, “Come on, lets get out of here quick.” Rosie did not need to be asked twice and got on the broom as quick as a flash.

After a few short minutes the brave team emerged into the bright sunlight surrounding the school field. As soon as the worried crowd spotted them they cheered. Ricky, to celebrate, lit up the sky with fireworks from the back of the broom. He then flew gently to the landing spot and jumped off to further cheers.

Suddenly the Headteacher of Sacred Unicorn appeared through the crowd with a huge grin on his face. “Well done team. I think we can have a day off tomorrow to congratulate you.” When the rest of the pupils heard this they jumped for joy and lifted Ricky and Rosie onto their shoulders. Ricky smiled, looked at Rosie, and said “What an exciting day we have had.” With that, both them burst out laughing and continued enjoying being firmly back on the ground.

by Year 2 pupils from Collis, East Sheen, Stanley and St. Edmund’s primary schools