The Secret Plot

“WXO… Repeat, Agent WXO…. Do it NOW!”

As the city slept, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, a number of Parliament’s most influential minds were gathered in a secret meeting room, huddled together like a tribe of penguins pecking at a single fish. They were locked in intense discussion, having all received the same devastating information earlier that day. Consequently, they were unaware of the figure lurking in the shadows, eavesdropping on their hushed conversation.

“If word were to get out about this, rumours would spread like wild fire and an immediate press conference would need to be arranged,” stated one of the government officials urgently, mopping his brow. “Although time is limited, we need to tread carefully.” There was much nodding and murmuring of agreement from the others.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden creak of loose floorboard, and all eyes darted to where the sound had come from, only to see a black clad figure emerge from its hiding place. Before anyone could utter a word, the lights went out. Darkness lingered.

Without warning, there was a bang, a shriek and once again the city lay silent.

In a matter of seconds, but what seemed like an eternity, they stood frozen, staring at one another. Suddenly, it dawned on them that they had to evacuate the building quickly, as they were clueless to what the bang was. Frantically, they gathered up as many of their secret documents as they could and dashed to the door. Whilst running for the exit, one of the members of parliament yelled at the black clad figure, “Hey you come with us!” Surprisingly, he followed. Sprinting for the door, coughing and spluttering, due to the room filling with smoke, one of the men without knowing dropped some of the secret documents.

Once outside, under the glow of the street lamps all eyes turned to the black clad figure, who was trying to escape. After grabbing him by the wrist, one of the members of parliament de-masked him to find it was Robert, an ex- member of their team. Everyone gasped.

” W..w..why are you here? What do you want? What did you hear?” demanded, yet whispered the Head of Parliament. “I have just arrived so I didn’t hear a thing,” muttered Robert. Suddenly, sirens were heard and got louder and louder as they came closer. Panic reigned, until the Head of Parliament addressed the rest of the team and suggested that as they did not believe Robert, the black clad figure, that they should stay put, blaming him for the bang.

Skidding to a halt, the police arrived and quickly got out of the car. Sprinting, Robert once again tried to escape. The police shouted freeze but he did not stop. Huffing and puffing, he ran as fast as a cheetah but the policemen still caught him. They placed him in hand cuffs and shoved the struggling man into the car. Some moments later, they then turned their attention to the members of parliament and began to question them. The men anxiously explained to the police that they heard the bang so came out of their homes to investigate and saw Robert running from the scene. The police decided to arrest Robert and take him to the police station for further information.

“Now he is out of the way, we can continue with our plan to kidnap the Prime Minister,” exclaimed the Head of Parliament. However, unknown to the parliament members and police, Robert’s accomplices were inside the smoky room urgently gathering the secret and important documents that were dropped in the hurry to get out.

While being driven rapidly to the police cell, Robert began to think about his plan to escape. Unknown to the police, he had a secret tracking device in the sole of his shoe. He activated it! In a blink of an eye, his team received the crucial information about Robert’s location. As soon as the bright red dots stopped moving across the map of London shown on their smartphone screens, his team knew that he had been taken to a high security police station.

Robert’s accomplices had been scanning the documents. They were shocked at the evil plot in front of them. How could the politicians plan to commit such a terrible crime? The group were going to kidnap the Prime Minister from 10 Downing Street and take him directly to the Bank of England through a network of secret tunnels. They were then planning to scan his fingerprints to allow them to enter the vault which held the entire gold resources of the United Kingdom. How evil!

“Operation Jailbreak everyone!” exclaimed one of the team.

As the team’s car shot through the packed streets of London, one of the team put on his disguise: glasses, wig, suit, tie and moustache. Now he looked just like a lawyer.

Skidding round a corner, the car came to a halt outside the police station and the ‘lawyer’ quickly made his way to Robert’s cell; Cell 101 in the highest security corridor.

“I’m the lawyer for the prisoner in Cell 101. I want to discuss with him what he should say in court,” he explained politely to the policemen on duty. The officer in charge led him to the cell where Robert was being held prisoner and then as the law forced him to, left them alone to talk.

The ‘lawyer’ slowly walked into the cell, making sure that no policemen were watching. He handed over to the prisoner his special business card which Robert recognised immediately. It was one of his team! He put his fingers to his lips as a signal for Robert to be quiet and then took out a red pen, opened the lid and pressed the pen against the wall. Instead of ink squirting out, a strange blue, gooey substance appeared on the wall. Robert recognised it as a tiny explosive charge.

The two men silently backed up against the wall furthest from the explosives. The ‘lawyer’ pressed the button on top of the pen to detonate the explosives that were attached to the wall.

The explosion punched a hole in the wall, just big enough for the two men to slot through.

“Stay here,” exclaimed the ‘lawyer’, but a policeman suddenly burst in and started to attack them, throwing punches and shouting for help. The policeman was quickly disabled and they made their escape through the hole in the wall.

“Phew! That was close. I thought we weren’t going to make it,” shouted Robert as they slipped through the gap made by the explosion.

On reaching the street the first thing they saw was a bright light shining at them. A police searchlight had found them, but quick as a flash they darted back into the shadows and melted into the darkness. They had to get back to the others before it was too late and their plan foiled.

Where were the others? The plan had been to kidnap the Prime Minister and use him to get the gold from the Bank of England. They had to find them. As they walked down the street, they saw two people approaching.

“Mummy look – that’s the man I saw on the news before we came out. He’s the one the police are looking for!” said Lola, looking frightened and anxious.

As the two men started to run, a large black Mercedes pulled alongside them and a voice from within sent shivers down their spines. Before they knew it they were bundled into the car – there waiting for them was … Joyce Granger, the Deputy Prime Minister – the real power in Parliament.

“Good evening, gentlemen. I have been expecting you.” said Joyce Granger, “Shall we get on with it?”

Both men were too stunned to speak. What was she doing here? What did she know? Whose side was she on? These, and hundreds of other questions flashed through their mind as they headed for…the Bank of England…

Driving through the familiar streets of London, Joyce Granger began to talk.

“Don’t worry, I know all about the plan to kidnap the Prime Minister” she stated. The two men remained silent. “You don’t know whether I’m on your side do you?” The two men glanced at each other, nervously.

Before long they screeched to an abrupt halt outside the Bank of England.

Fearfully, the two men leapt from the car. “Follow me”, demanded the Deputy Prime Minister. Reluctantly, they followed her into the monumental building. As they walked through the grand entrance both men were grabbed viciously from behind. “You trusted me, how silly”, sneered Joyce Granger.

For the second time that day, Robert experienced a loud bang and all the lights went out. The men froze in fear. A different voice spoke from the shadows.

“No, silly you Ms Granger, thinking you could take power from me”, the lights flickered back on and there stood the Prime Minister with a crowd of security guards and police.

“You fool”, cried the Deputy Prime Minister, “this place is about to blow!”

Right on cue a huge explosion ripped through the Bank of England.

by Year 4 pupils from Buckingham, St. Osmund’s, Chase Bridge, Holy Trinity, Lowther, Stanley and Darell primary schools