Once upon a time, there was a scary, mysterious old house on top of a sand-dune in the middle of the desert.  The house was full of dusty cobwebs.  There were giant bats hanging from the ceiling and desert rats with giant teeth were upstairs in a big, dark room.  It was empty except for an ancient wooden treasure chest and inside the chest there were three old, grey, rusty metal keys.

Outside on the hot sand, two robbers were struggling up the dune on their hands and knees to the house. They were wearing black hats and stripy tops with skull and crossbones on. Their faces were angry and dirty.  They had escaped from jail and they were hungry and thirsty but they had to make it to the house because they had to find the three keys……..

Out of nowhere appeared a ghost! He looked much friendlier than the robbers had previously imagined ghosts to be, but nevertheless he gave them a fright!

The robbers wondered if they were getting so hot that their imaginations were playing tricks on them. The ghost introduced himself,

“Hello, I’m Spooky”.

Spooky was a young ghost and he came from a graveyard in Africa.  The graveyard had lots of stones, a little church and enormous trees.  Spooky really enjoyed being a ghost and he particularly liked wearing ghost clothes.  Today Spooky was wearing black stripy trousers and a white top with tiny gold spots on it. It was his favourite ghost outfit because he had bought it in a ghost shop with his friend Spikey.  He hadn’t seen Spikey for a little while but wearing these clothes had reminded him to pick up the ghost phone and call him.  Spooky had lived at the house for a very long time and he worked extremely hard to protect the treasure chest and the keys inside it.  He had battled the evil blue ghosts but he had never come across robbers before.  He felt scared.

The ghost slowly walks to the robbers.

The ghost scares the robbers.

The robbers scream and say “I don’t like ghosts.”

The robbers are happy they find the gold shiny treasure chest. The robbers have a cheeky grin as they open the chest and look inside. They see the keys inside and want to take them home.

The ghost follows the robbers and knows that the keys are magic. He wants to see the magic work. The robbers take out the keys. The keys sparkle and the robbers say, “Look how shiny they are”. They scream because they are being squashed by the magic. The robbers were squashed forever and the ghost took the keys in the treasure chest back to the house. The ghost is very happy and has a party with his ghost friend Spikey.

by Reception pupils
from Stanley, Sheen Mount and St Edmund’s schools