Practical Grammar and Punctuation

A large number of resources  are available to the teachers at St James’s. They are stored on a shared network folder.  Most of the resources have been taken from the TES website and adapted. A small selection of these is provided here.

The resources have been organised into:

  1. Schemes of work, teacher aids, wall displays (shown below)
  2. Resources suitable for lower key stage 2
  3. Resources suitable for upper key stage 2
  4. VCOP resources


The following scheme of work is for year 1 to year 6. It goes through the grammar and punctuation that the children need to know: 


This list of grammar terminology is a helpful aid for teachers

This Gorgeous Grammar resource contains exercises for year 1 to year 6 children.


The Grammar Pyramid is a general desktop resource to support children with their writing


This Connectives Poster makes a great wall display


Another great display of the different types of punctuation