LGfL Resources – Chase Bridge

The school’s recent building programme gave the opportunity to completely re-evaluate provision for computing. We now have a stable and reliable infra-structure and are in a position to properly address the curriculum and teaching and learning issues.

Amongst other things our evaluation identified that use of on-line resources was patchy with a few staff making excellent use but many completely unaware of the high quality resources available. We have been working towards implementation of the new computing curriculum by planning how to use the excellent London Grid for Learning resources more effectively.

The plan addresses the following key areas: CPD for staff; a realistic and manageable timescale for implementation; an audit of the existing curriculum plans and software and hardware. In addition we reviewed our use of on-line resources and e-safety policies.

We are working in partnership with the Content Manager of LGfL to explore the potential of LGfL Learning Resources to support the transition to and delivery of the revised National Curriculum. Selected key resources within the LGfL resource portfolio are being used as the focus for teachers to explore the requirements of the new curriculum and also evolve the use of online resources and the necessary changes to teaching approaches that this requires. The use of the LGfL Universal Sign On (USO) logon facilitates access to resources beyond the confines of the school day and resources used are optimised to work on a range of internet connected devices including mobile devices.

As part of the study, Chase Bridge staff will be piloting the Curriculum Central Resource Discovery initiative in development at LGfL. Curriculum Central aims to provide detailed mapping to the whole LGfL learning resource portfolio using an efficient and effective interface for teachers.